Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie Likely to Share Custody

Hollywood power couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have decided to call it quits after 12 years of marriage. The two are not only worth millions of dollars in assets and property (both individually and as a couple) but they also have six children together. On September 30th, Jolie was given temporary full custody of the children for three weeks, but now that the initial custody period is about to come to an end, it is likely that the two will become engaged in a long and arduous custody battle in California family law court.

California divorce attorney Kelly Chang Rickert weighed in on the situation to the online tabloid, saying that the two would most likely wind up sharing joint custody at the conclusion of their case. “In California,” she explains, “In a divorce or separation, the courts have a duty to ensure frequent and continuing contact with both parents… Angelina is going for primary custody likely because it is a legal label that shifts the bur den to Brad. If she ever wants to move away, Brad needs to prove it’s a detriment.”

And if the allegations surrounding Brad Pitt turn out to be true, then there’s a chance she may get her wish. Recent reports have surfaced that Pitt was involved in an altercation with one of his sons on a private plane. However, the case is likely to be dropped due to insufficient evidence. And because of this, if Brad and his lawyers can prove his continuing contact with his children is beneficial to their lives in divorce court, then it is likely they will be given joint custody in both the physical and legal regards.

Child Custody in Your Divorce

In Missouri, your case may be decided in much the same way as Brangelina’s case will be. Our state recognizes two types of both physical and legal custody: joint and sole. Also, like California, our laws are written in such a way that the judge in a case may not be pre-disposed towards the mother; both parents begin their case on equal footing.

If you need assistance with your own divorce case, including help with child custody, contact the skilled attorneys at the Kallen Law Firm. Our St. Louis divorce lawyers all bring an extensive resume of experience protecting those facing a marital dissolution to our firm, allowing us to adapt our knowledge to your individual case. Our individualized counsel can help you with negotiation, mediation, and courtroom litigation, and help you reach a conclusion that is mutually beneficial to your family as a whole.

Call the Kallen Law Firm today at (314) 441-7793 to schedule your free consultation and get the representation assistance you need for your case!